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Affirmations Video Course

What You Will Learn In This Course:

  Video #1 : How affirmations change your life - Find out how the daily practice of affirmations will change the way you live your life

  Video #2 : Visualizing what you want - How to imagine exactly what you want out of life and see it become a reality

  Video #3 : Writing your affirmations script -How to write a motivating affirmation that will give you the extra push that you need

  Video #4 : Engaging your affirmations in a visual, auditory, physical and emotional way - How to use the affirmation by engaging all 3 of your senses for maximum effect

  Video #5 : Guidelines for writing affirmations (present tense, positive, personal and specific) - Find out the correct way to create a powerful affirmation that will vibrate through your being and motivate you to go

  Video #6 is a BONUS upon instant access